Advantages of Type O Blood

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Type O Blood Advantages

When it comes to longevity and overall health, there are many factors that come into play. This can include lifestyle choices, genetics, and as we will discuss, even blood type. I am Dr. Aaron Workman of Chambers Medical Group, one of the highest rated car accident medical care facilities in Kentucky, and I will explain type O blood advantages.

Research has indicated that individuals with type O blood might have certain health advantages that contribute to a longer life expectancy. I recently spoke with my spouse and advised her she will have to make it without me at some point because research is showing she will live longer. Now, this was discussed in a joking manner but if you have type O blood, there is some truth. Let us look at some of the advantages.

1. Lowered Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
One of the best advantages of type O blood is a lower risk of developing different cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that people with type O blood have a reduced likelihood of suffering from heart attacks and strokes compared to those with other blood types. This is partly because type O blood tends to have lower levels of a blood clotting agent. Lower levels of this clotting agent can result in a decreased risk of blood clots, which are a big cause of heart attacks and strokes. Type O will generally have lower cholesterol levels, which is important for keeping a healthy heart. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular diseases, and having a naturally lower cholesterol level can significantly reduce this risk.

2. Lower Susceptibility to Certain Cancers
All of us know of someone that has struggled with cancer. It is one of the leading causes of death on the planet, and certain blood types are more susceptible to specific types of cancer. Research has indicated that people with type O blood have a lower risk of developing pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer. Similarly, if you have type A, B, or AB you are more at risk. There are specific substances in the A, B and AB types that aid bacteria growth in the gut that will make you more susceptible to pancreatic cancer. This certain bacterium is called Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori). Type O blood usually is noted to have lower levels of H. Pylori.

3. Boosted Immune Response
The immune system plays a vital role in defending the body against infections and diseases. Individuals with type O blood have been shown to possess a larger immune response. This can be very helpful when fighting off different infections and in the process of maintaining overall health. It is thought that type O individuals have more effective immune cells that target infected or cancerous cells.

4. Lower Risk of Blood Clots
Blood clotting is important for wound healing, but if there is too much clotting it can lead to conditions like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and even pulmonary embolism. People with type O blood have a naturally lower risk of developing these conditions due to their lower levels of clotting agents. This reduced risk of abnormal blood clotting can be helpful for older adults. Blood clots can sometimes move to the lungs, therefore any reduction in this risk factor can lead to a longer and healthier life.

There are many different factors that contribute to a long and healthy life.  Most people would never take their specific blood type into consideration when discussing this. Individuals with type O blood, my wife, have several health advantages that could lead to a longer life expectancy. These include a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, particular cancers, blood clotting disorders, and the boosted immune response. When you add this to a healthy lifestyle, you may be able to enjoy a better quality and longer life.


— This article is written by Aaron Workman, DC, one of the members of Chambers Medical Group’s team of car accident chiropractors who offer a variety of treatments and therapies ranging from diagnostic testing to various soft tissue therapies for car accidents and injuries in Kentucky.









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