
November 30, 2022

How to Know if Your Accident Doctor Knows What He/She is Doing on Your First Visit

How to know if your Accident Doctor knows what he/she is doing on your first visit Stephen F. Chambers, M.D, M.B.A., M.P.H. In this review we […]
November 30, 2022

Are You Going to Catch a Cold!

You are going to catch a cold! A common phrase heard during the winter months is “Don’t go outside with a wet head, you are gonna […]
November 30, 2022

Importance of Vitamin D During Winter Months and Depression

Vitamin D During Winter Months and Depression We have arrived at the time of year when the amount of sunlight available throughout the day is at […]
November 21, 2022

Trigger Points are “KNOT” Fun

Trigger Points- “Knot” Fun Have you ever been told the cause of your pain is due to a trigger point when having a massage or visiting […]