Laughter Really Does Boost Your Health!

The Power of Color and Memory
May 7, 2024
A Colorific Day!
May 7, 2024


Celebrating Laughter: 5 Ways Laughter Can Boost Your Health


Did you know that laughter is not only contagious, but it is also good for your health? This May, we celebrate World Laughter Day, a day dedicated to the joy and benefits of laughter. Dr. Aaron Workman, a talented chiropractor at one of the highest rated auto injury medical care facilities, Chambers Medical Group of Kentucky, discusses five ways laughter can make you feel better and healthier.


  1. Boosts Mood and Relieves Stress:

Do you know that feeling just after having a good laugh? When you laugh, your brain releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which can lift your mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It is like a mini vacation for your mind. Next time you are feeling stressed, try watching a funny movie, your favorite comedian, or just hanging out with people who make you laugh.


  1. Strengthens Your Immune System:

Laughter is thought to be an immune booster. There is no definitive research to confirm this, but it is noted the body can make more immune cells and antibodies as a result of laughter. Even though this has not had enough research to confirm, it is never a bad idea to enjoy laughter even when you are not feeling well. This could help you all year long. Any immune cells or antibodies that are increased due to laughter can only help the body’s defense against germs or viruses.


  1. Improves Heart Health:

Laughing is not just good for the immune system, but it is good for your heart too. When you laugh, your blood vessels relax and widen, increasing blood flow and improving circulation. This can help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. A happy heart needs humor, so do not forget to laugh daily!


  1. Relieves Pain:

Laughing can act as a natural painkiller. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which can help increase pain tolerance and alleviate discomfort. It may not be a miracle cure but sure will help. That is why laughter is often called the best medicine. The next day you wake up and discover your body aching, find a good dose of laughter for relief.


  1. Strengthens Relationships:

Sharing laughter with others can strengthen your bonds and improve your relationships. Laugh with your children. Laugh with your significant other. When you laugh together, you create positive connections and memories that can help you weather tough times together. Make time to laugh with your friends, family, and loved ones. It is not only great for your health but also for your relationships!


A good, natural, laugh-till-you-cry event is priceless. This type of natural organic laughter is the “good stuff.” Laughter is a powerful tool for improving both your physical and mental health. From boosting your mood and immunity, to relieving pain and strengthening relationships, the benefits of laughter are endless. So, this month and every month, find laughter in your day!


— This article is written by Aaron Workman, DC, one of the members of Chambers Medical Group’s team of car accident chiropractors who offer a variety of treatments and therapies ranging from diagnostic testing to various soft tissue therapies for car accidents and injuries in Kentucky.









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