Red Flags for Disc Issues After a Motor Vehicle Accident
Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) can have lasting effects on the body, often involving injuries to the spine. A common injury we see at Chambers Medical Group is damage to the discs that cushion the bones of the spine. These discs, which allow you flexibility, can suffer trauma during the sudden impact your body receives during an MVA. It is important to know signs (red flags) of disc damage if you are suffering pain following an accident. Left untreated, this problem can lead to long term damage making treatment essential. I am Dr. Aaron Workman, a chiropractor at Chambers Medical Group, one of the highest rated car accident medical care programs in Kentucky, and I will discuss some of those red flags.
The first red flag to consider is persistent back or neck pain. You can expect to be sore following an accident. The first days may seem ok, but when the soreness comes, turns into pain, and does not go away, you may have a larger problem brewing. This continued pain can be lingering around due to a damaged disc. If the pain is in the lower back, it is likely a lumbar disc, while pain in the neck is likely a cervical disc. If you have taken several days off work, tried anti-inflammatories, and you still are hurting, then you must get checked out.
Another big sign of a damaged disc is numbness or a shooting type of pain. When a disc becomes damaged it can cause irritation to the nerves around it. The disc can also directly put pressure on nerves causing pain to travel away from the original spot. If you have ever experienced lower back pain that radiates into the buttock or leg, you have likely had a disc issue. On a similar note, if you have ever experienced neck pain that seems to run down the shoulder and makes the arms, hands, or fingers tingly, then you have suffered a disc issue in the cervical region. This sensation can feel achy, tingly, numbing, heavy or weak. These are all signs that need to be addressed by a healthcare professional.
If several days have passed since the accident and you find you can hardly move, then one of your spinal discs may be the culprit. This can show up during bending, twisting, or turning the neck and back. If this persists then it is time to get checked to confirm a disc injury.
With severe cases, changes in bladder or bowel habit can occur. If you have been in an MVA and are suddenly having a loss of control of your bowel or bladder then you need to get yourself to the emergency room. Sometimes a disc can become damaged in a way it compresses your spinal cord causing these symptoms. It may come with numbness that goes into the thighs or groin area and should be evaluated immediately.
Muscle weakness is another red flag for a disc injury. The nerves that come off your spine run to all the muscles in the body. If you end up with a damaged disc that is compressing one of those nerves, you can end up with weakness in muscles of the arms or legs. You may notice a hard time holding on to objects, walking or even standing.
Disc injuries following an MVA may not show up immediately. Some of these red flags can develop over several days or weeks. The one common theme between all of them is the need for treatment. Disc injuries can be a common part of life after an MVA. They can show up as pain that is unrelenting, radiating symptoms, limited mobility, bowel and bladder issues or weakness. At Chambers Medical Group we treat a myriad of patients that have also suffered disc injuries, so we know what to look for. If you have experienced any of these red flags following an accident, or just wish to get checked out, the doctors at Chambers Medical Group can help.
— This article is written by Aaron Workman, DC, one of the members of Chambers Medical Group’s team of car accident chiropractors who offer a variety of treatments and therapies ranging from diagnostic testing to various soft tissue therapies for car accidents and injuries in Kentucky.