Why Do Songs Get Stuck in Your Head?

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Why Songs Get Stuck in Your Head


Have you ever found yourself unable to shake off a catchy tune that seems to play on repeat in your head? Dr. Aaron Workman, a patient favorite at one of the highest rated auto injury medical care programs in the Greater Lexington area, explains why songs get stuck in your head.


Over the last three days I have had a part of “The Lonely Goatherd,” from The Sound of Music replay in my head, and the blaring tuba in the background is hard to ignore. Many of us experience this common occurrence known as an “earworm.”  This phrase came from the German Ohrwurm meaning a musical itch. This is a song that gets stuck in our head and plays in a loop, seemingly without our control, but what exactly causes this to happen?


One of the primary reasons a song gets stuck in your head is its repetitive tone. Songs with simple, repetitive melodies and great hooks are more likely to become earworms. Musicians and artists alike love to discover these golden melodies. These musical elements create a pattern that your brain easily latches onto, making the song memorable and hard to forget. They are usually fun to sing until they get stuck on replay.


Another reason for earworms is an occurrence called the Zeigarnik Effect. This is a phenomenon that describes the tendency to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks more than completed ones. A Lithuanian psychologist, Bluma Zeigarnik, discovered this in 1927. The unfinished or incomplete tasks are viewed as fear by the unconscious mind and cause the thought to loop in the brain. So, when a song gets stuck in your head, your brain may perceive it as an unresolved task that needs completion. This can lead to the continuous replay of the song in your mind until it feels finished.


An earworm can also occur through associations. Hearing a song that reminds you of a particular place, event, or emotion can trigger the song to get stuck in your head. Hearing a song in different media, such as the radio or in a commercial, can increase the likelihood of the loop. When you are engaged in repetitive tasks your brain may seek out stimulation, leading to the activation of musical memories. Songs that give a strong emotional response or memories are more likely to become stuck in your head. Once a song becomes stuck in your head, it can be hard to get unstuck.


While this occurrence can be frustrating, there are strategies you can use to cope. Some people find that listening to the song in full or engaging with another task that requires mental focus can help stop the loop of the song. Others use distraction techniques such as humming a different tune or engaging in conversation. These work by redirecting their attention away from the song. You may have to do this several times to keep the song away. I have found myself stuck in the Goatherd loop even while writing. It is not a horrible thing as my 7 yr. old little girl made it a musical memory which I enjoy. While earworms may seem unavoidable at times, understanding the science behind them can help you better deal with their presence and even appreciate the power of music on the mind.


— This article is written by Aaron Workman, DC, one of the members of Chambers Medical Group’s team of car accident chiropractors who offer a variety of treatments and therapies ranging from diagnostic testing to various soft tissue therapies for car accidents and injuries in Kentucky.






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